We are just a small band of dudes who stumbled upon funny comics and wanted to try putting them into English so they could be read by people outside of their country of origin.
Cryomancer: Image/Text Editor (en-US), Typesetter, Final Boss
(Feel free to send contact emails to cryomancer at google’s email service.)
CherryTonic: Image/Text Editor, Transcriber, Mid-boss
(Rest in peace. I miss you, honey.)
PPA: Translator/Editor (de)
Serpentsounds: Translator/Editor (es)
cool_boy_mew: Translator/Editor (fr)
jumpAlice: Translator/Editor (ja) (Missing?)
Franz: Translator/Editor (pt-BR) (Self-imposed exile or something)
Raven: Webmaster
If you would like to talk to us, send an email to cryomancer, @ gmail.com
Or hit us up on twitter: http://twitter.com/opentrain
Joint Project friends of Opentrain:
Mark, from TMNT Entity.
BozoDel from Anthropophagous Project.