Note: This post was eaten! I posted this release and then the server owner had to move to a new box and used an out of date backup. So this is me attempting to remember what I posted last time!
So it looks like I did that unofficial hiatus thing again this year, sorry about that. Anyway, now we’re back with something completely different than anything we’ve done before! Thanks to the hard work of my Japanese friend jumpAlice, Opentrain presents Megaton Punch 6 (partial).
Note that this is from a doujinshi and is adult in nature, more so than any of our previous releases. Megaton Punch 6 is part of a series of doujinshi put out by Kenichi Sonoda and some friends of his. This particular release is just Mr. Sonoda’s portion of the book. This is sort of a dream project for me, as I am a huge nerd for his artwork, and here he is making a manga with lots of video game jokes and innuendo. Hopefully we will be doing more of his work in the future.